So, there I was, happily travelling the IT road and having the odd ‘play’ at friends events or odd reunion gig.  Missing the stage a little but definitely not missing the bullshit and the lugging around of equipment that went with it.

But I did spend a lot of time in transit lounges, on aeroplanes, buses and the like. So a friend loaned me an iPad with Garage Band on it.

At first it was a bit of harmless fun, throwing sounds and patterns together. But then some of them started sounding pretty good. 

I set up my own studio (Tardim) and with Dean Carter co-producing we started tradiing ideas between Hamilton & his base in Auckland and I called in a few old friends to help out.  

Kim Earl (Prophecy) & Kevin Smith (Prophecy, The Bronx, Kix) on vocals, Ross McMillan (Russia, Outlaw Teddys) to help out with the drumming and Rik Bernards (Echoes, The Bronx, Knightshade) to add his guitar magic to a couple of tracks

The rest is all me and I had to reacquaint myself with a few instruments and quickly learn a couple of new ones. Yes that is me playing an electric mandolin in the background, but no…..the horns are midi. So there’s live, sequenced and looped music all mixed in together. It all allows for the variety of sounds and feels I was aiming for.

I formed ‘doublebass productions’ to handle business side of things and from there grew ‘Scenes From The Movie In My Head’  

11 original songs that tell stories that relate mostly to my life and travels so far (with a few imaginings thrown in for good measure.)  

To finish it off I also recorded the very first original song I co-wrote back in the early 70’s. “Morning Sunrise” (which was also released as a single under the original band name of ‘Prophecy’) 

Then I threw the whole thing at Producer and Engineer, Zed Brookes for mastering and he worked his magic to give us the final version.  Is it perfect,  nope,  but it’s mine and I’m damn proud of it.

If you enjoy it, tell your friends.  (If you don’t, tell your enemies)


Phil Walsh


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